

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Me And Mercedes - A Personal View

I have a friend who is very much into his cars, and quick with an opinion based on a couple of decades around the motor industry. He tells me categorically that the best marque in the world today is Mercedes Benz. This from a man whose last car he got to collect from the factory in Stuttgart, such was its level of luxury. He's been telling me for years that we should have one, but I've always regarded them as too expensive - beyond our means.

Back in 2008, when we wanted to invest in a Taxi in Africa, we ended up buying a Nissan Bluebird from Belgium for a family in the Gambia - this because of their reliability, price and the fact that it was built in the UK. What our African friend really wanted though, was a Mercedes (just out of our pocket unfortunately). This because they are seen as indestructible, desirable, unbreakable the world over. No wonder so many city taxi fleets around the world rely on the brand.

So, this year, we've finally caved in, and have bought a turn of the century E-Class estate. The 'E', or 'Executive' Class that we now own is a silver (with some rust bubbles thrown in, E240. The class has been in production since 1993, and ours is the second (W210, "New Eyes") of the four generations currently on the roads around the world - the one with the round headlights and the flatter nose. The fifth generation should be with us in 2016.

We love our Merc. She's the size of a small barge, but still has a half-decent turning circle; a fairly large family with fairly large dogs can be comfortably accommodated; her 'toy' level is genuinely 'Executive' (rain sensors, headlamp washers, integrated dog guard, CD multichanger etc. etc.); and it's a smooth, powerful ride with the benefits of a 2.6 V6 170 HP engine, a good automatic box and cruise control, and the downside (therefore) of poor fuel consumption. At only 130,000 miles the engine is barely broken in - one of the main selling points of the brand being that their engines go on and on.

Is the Merc a Granddad's car? Maybe. As the Honda Civic is driven by elderly gentlemen in flat caps, so the Merc seems to be for empty-nesters with beards, a good salary and a sound sense of what life is about: these are people who have 'arrived'. The car speaks of affordable luxury, understated elegance, reliability and status, a great big scary wolf in the clothing of a well-bred sheep. Actually the range includes a wide variety today, from small A Class family cars to the huge salons beloved of dictators through the decades; from the 4 wheel drive wagons to the very quick sports versions.

One thing's for sure, the manufacturer has been at it a long time. Herr Benz made the world's first automobile back in 1886, and the first Mercedes branded car was made in 1901. The 1926 merger founded Mercedes Benz and the three pointed star trademark still familiar worldwide. I discovered I wanted one in the twenty noughties, now I own one - it makes me happy.

Andrew is a qualified teacher of English as a foreign language (TEFL), a farmer with twenty years agricultural (mainly Pigs and Research) experience, and worked for fifteen years in the global automotive industry. He's now breeding bait / garden worms and selling quality used cars, the latter being on show at
, the former shortly available on-line!

Wheel Bearings: Sometimes They Need Replacement

Every motorized vehicle (and some non-motorized, like bikes and skates) utilize wheel bearings. Typically, automobiles utilize two different types of wheel bearings and these bearings require maintenance and replacement from time to time. Older vehicles will have different wheel bearings than their modern counterparts.

Some newer cars are equipped with hub bearing assemblies and have internally pressed bearings that might not be able to be serviced by rather completely replaced after years of use. Wheel bearings are exposed to a lot of heat and friction and require a high quality lubricate in order to do their job effectively. However, wheel bearings will always need replacing after some time.

There are a few key steps that need to be taken when checking to see if your wheel bearings need to be replaced or serviced. Following these instructions carefully will decrease your chances of making a mistake or causing injury to yourself or vehicle.

First, use a jack to raise the wheel you think the bearings are compromised in and allow the vehicle to sit on the jack stand. Next, spin the wheel with force with your hands and listen through the sidewall of the tire for any odd noises that resemble a grinding sound. Use your hands to feel for any resistance as the tire spins.
Now, place one of your hands on top of the tire and one on hand on the bottom of the wheel. Using a rocking motion, wiggle the wheel. If the tire is serviceable, the bearings will allow for slight movements up to 1/8th of an inch. If you experience any bigger movements, this indicates that your wheel bearing needs servicing, tightened, or replaced altogether.

Locate the hubcap and the dust cap from the hub middle by using a hammer and a set of pry instruments. You might find that a straightedge screwdriver works best for this step. Take a look at the cap for any internal dryness, cracking, or lack of lubrication.

Find the cotter pin and remove it, then take out the castle cap and spindle nut by utilizing the two channel locks. Next, remove the washer and strike the top of the tire towards the inside using one hand with your other hand resting on the spindle in order to catch the outer bearing. Take a good look at the bearing and if it is able to be reused, repack it with plenty of packers and lubricant.

Once you have fully inspected the bearing washer located inside of the wheel assembly, secure the spindle nuts with your hands and channel locks. Finish up by spinning the wheel towards you to properly secure the bearing. Pull out the nut and replace the existing cotter pin and cap. Place plenty of lubricant inside of the cap.

You will also need to check out the hub bearing assemblies to ensure their integrity. First, put your hand on top of the tire and your other hand on its right side. Spin the tire towards you while exerting solid pressure. Examine the tire for any resistance or loud noises while it spins.

Next, put your hand on top and to the side of the tire once again and rock it back and forth. If you notice that the tire can rock more than 1/8 of an inch, the hub bearing assemblies need replaced immediately.

Keep in mind, replacing old-fashioned wheel bearings with newer models will save you money in the long run. It is ideal to also replace wheel bearing that are rusty, broken, and worn down. If your bearings are considerably worn down, consider taking a look at your brake pads as they probably need replacing too. Be privy to what your wheel bearings are up to and keep an eye on whether they require replacement or not.

5 Insane Driving Laws From Around the World

These laws, however, are nothing compared to the bemusing road laws that can be found around the world. While we might see a lot of our laws of the road unnecessary, most of these seem downright pointless!

Russia Does Not Like Dirty Cars
For reasons that are only obvious to those inside the Kremlin, Russia have a law that states if you car is considered dirty by officials, you can be fined around 2000 rubles (£85) on the spot. Russian citizens have stated that they think this is just a way to gauge more money in fines from unsuspecting motorists. In any case, if you haven't given your bonnet a good wax and shine in a while, it is probably best to stay away from Russia.

You Are Banned From Driving On Certain Weekdays in Manila
In what seems like one of the most arbitrary rules in road law history, the capital city of the Philippines bans drivers from using their vehicles depending on the last letters of their licence plates. This is apparently in response to the terrible driving conditions across the city, where red lights are just a suggestion to stop and lanes are there to be changed as much and as fast as possible.

Don't Honk Your Horn near Sandwiches in Arkansas
Inexplicably, it is illegal to honk your horn near a shop that sells sandwiches or cold drinks after 9 pm in Arkansas. When researching this law, I couldn't find one explanation of why it was brought in and why no one pointed out how stupid it is. Thinking about this leaves the mind reeling with so many questions; why is it so specific about the temperature of drinks? What does car horns have to do with food? Was this a serious problem in Arkansas that needed to be stamped out?!

Drunks Can Only Sit in the Back in Macedonia
Driving while under the influence of alcohol is a pretty sensible law; you lose a lot of your sense of judgement while drunk and turn into an overconfident idiot. Less sensible, however, is the decision to make sitting in the front seat passenger seat of a car while intoxicated illegal. While it could be argued that being driving even close to the wheel of a car is dangerous, I don't think this is the case. Instead, this was probably invented by someone who likes a bit to drink and then to have a lie down in the back seat of a car while being chauffeured around.

In New Jersey You Cannot Pump Your Own Gas
Filling up your tank with petrol is by no means a difficult task, so it is difficult to fully understand the purpose of a petrol attendant. Surely, most people of perfectly capable of doing this themselves? New Jersey doesn't think so, as there is actually a law that requires every petrol station to employ an attendant to pump your gas. Some argue that this is a way of forcing job creation within the economy, but opponent of this argue that the money spent on this should be spent on more purposeful jobs, such as city beautification.

All You Need to Know About Wheel and Tire Safety

Your entire car performance depends on how well the four wheels handle the road. Many people often focus on engine maintenance and forget all about the wheels that the car rides on.

Wheel and tire performance is very important for your safety when driving. The following are some important factors to keep in mind:

Check your tire pressure
Depending on how often you drive your car, you may need to check your tire pressure at least once a week. Getting the right tire pressure prolongs the lifespan of the tires, enhances safety and makes your vehicle more economical in fuel usage. Your tire lifespan may reduce by up to 75% even when you are operating at 80% tire pressure.

You can tell there is a pressure problem when the tires start wearing out faster on the outer edges. Tire blowouts often occur when the tire is under inflated since there is not enough air to hold up the weight of the vehicle. The sidewalls of the tires end up getting flexing beyond their limit and blow out. If you are driving at a high speed, you could easily cause a bad accident. Make sure you inflate the tires according to the tire rating.

Replace your tires
Replacing all four tires may be costly but it is not expensive as what you may lose in case of an accident. Bald tires should be used on racetracks only. When your tire treads are worn out and you cannot retread them, you need to replace them. The treads enable the tires to grip on to the road surface, which is necessary for breaking and making turns. Worn out tires are also illegal and you can get a fine for riding on tires with a low tread depth. You can buy a tread wear indicator and check the tread depth yourself. Make sure to check all the tires in every main grove and at least two different points along the grove.

Use the right tire for the right weather
You cannot use the same tires for summer during winter. Tires come with a variety of ratings. There are some which are all weather and there are specially designed winter rated tires. If you experience heavy winters in your areas with a lot of snow, you should get rated tires for your own safety.

Clean your wheels
You need to clean the wheels when you are washing the car. Avoid washing car wheels when they are still hot as this could cause rapid contraction and weaken the wheel. A lot of mud, grime and dirt often end up covering the wheel and this could affect the way the breaks work. Get some mild soap and water to loosen the grime and dirt and wash off the wheel when it is cool. You can wax or polish the wheel after washing for the finishing. Make sure you get the right rims for your tire so you do not damage the edges of the tire.

A New Technology That Will Change Everything

Every few years someone claims that the world will be changed by a new technology. Sometimes they are right, and other times they're wrong. This has lead many of us to believe that we have all placed too much faith in the technological revolution. Despite all our criticism, concerns and fears about anything new that involves a microchip, no one can deny that the world has changed for the better or worse thanks to high tech gadgetry and there is no end in sight. In most cases there is not an instant effect caused by new inventions. It takes time for people, industry and governments to adjust. During those periods of adjustment the technology has time to become refined and less expensive. Workers who lose their jobs to new technologies end up having to look for other types of employment. This is a cycle that people have experienced since the dawn of the industrial revolution, and now it is about to happen all over again in a huge way.

When cell phones came along most people thought of them as a new toy for the wealthy. Today, most people have one and for many the phone in their pocket is the only one they have. The instant upside is that we can easily stay in touch with our family, friends, employers or business contacts. More than just personal communication devices, smart phones now allow us to take care of many tasks that once required a PC to handle. The downside is that we can no longer hide from the world unless we simply do not answer our calls. Add to that the fact that we can easily become addicted to social media, texting, games and all kinds of online activities.

When the "mobile phone" revolution first started to explode a lot of investors and venture capitalists thought they would make a fortune investing in various schemes to buy or sell phones or air time. Most of those investments fell flat and ended up being loss leaders. That is why it is important to see what is coming, know when to make a purchase; or invest and how. Otherwise is it all too easy to become a victim of new technology. If you dout this just visit any garage sale or junk shop where you will find all sorts of technology that was supposed to go on for years and expand into more advanced versions. Good examples: Atari Game Systems, The Adam Computer, Game Boy, 8mm amd VHS Camcorders, Betamax and VHS Video Recorders/Players, Laser Disc Players, Cassette, 8 Track and Reel to Reel Tapes and Machines, Telex Machines, PDAs, Portable Televisions, LED Watches and Typewriters.

When personal computers first appeared they were expensive toys designed for geeks who loved electronics. Even after companies like Apple designed machines that would be attractive to everyone, they often became obsolete by the time they hit store shelves. People made and lost fortunes over these. That is because those early computers represented the type of advanced technology that kept advancing so rapidly that it left very little time for consumers to catch up. A lot of people jumped in to the early versions of these machines for fear that they might be left behind. I remember buying a bunch of different and unique computer systems with all their bells and whistles during the 1980s. None of them lasted or really did all that I wanted them to do. The upside for me was that I had to write my own programs for most of them to do what I wanted them to do, so I learned a lot about how these machines and their programs worked.

I recall when the "World Wide Web" was suddenly transitioned from a secretive way for the U.S. Military and Government to communicate and exchange data to a place where everyone was welcomed. A lot of people ignored or downplayed it at that time. However, before long all those popular electronic Bulletin Boards accessible by computer modems began to quickly relocate from phone numbers to web addresses. When the early Windows operating systems began to appear their emphasis was on PC applications. By the time that Windows 95 was released, even the venerable Bill Gates admitted that he had vastly underestimated how popular and important the Internet would become. A lot of other investors and companies saw the potential and rushed to get in on the excitement by creating Internet Service Providers with electronic mail. Since that time many of them have vanished or become a part of conglomerates. Understanding or seeing the potential of new technology is never enough. You have to know how to avoid the hype, survive the changes and possibly even make some money along the way.

In 2001 the Segway PT was unveiled. This two-wheeled people transport device was supposed to be the next big thing. Even Steve Jobs said that this invention would be "as big a deal as the PC." However, unlike cell phones, personal computers or the Internet, the Segway had a limited market. Children, senior citizens and many disabled persons can use cell phones, personal computers and the Internet. Most them could not or would not use the Segway. These personal transportation oddities fit the needs of various industries and businesses much like the robots and programmable machines that have taken over many manufacturing and other jobs, but like those devices the Segway has many limitations in terms of users, terrain and applications which have kept it from being the huge success that many once thought it would be. Wide appeal, application and usage are the key components to any truly successful new technology and one is about to begin a slow burn that will lead to an explosive change in society and the world of finance.
Some time ago Google demonstrated their self-drive car to a public underwhelmed by what they saw. The problem was that it was kind of ugly with that weird rotating thing on top and most people had no faith that fully automated vehicles could ever take over the roadways of the world. What people did not know then and many still have no clue about today is that many tech and car companies are currently betting the farm on the fact that self-drive vehicles will take over the road within the next ten to twenty years. We already have vehicles that can park themselves and now come with a wide variety of safety or anti-collision devices on board. Some vehicles now have the ability to make automated decisions about braking, parking and other maneuvers. Is it that hard to believe that there will be much more to come?

This new technology will not appear overnight, but it will benefit everyone instead of just being attractive to a niche market. It is going to be refined and slowly introduced to people a little at a time. When all the research and trials come to fruition, fully automated cars will begin to make a huge impact everywhere. Insurance companies that depend mostly on auto policies will begin to disappear. Auto body shops will be as rare as photo developing stands. The numbers of people who die or are severely injured in auto accidents will likely drop to an almost insignificant amount. Personal injury lawyers will have to look for new clients. Police Officers will have to find new and creative ways to write tickets. The price of gas will fall dramatically due to the efficiency of self-driving vehicles: Most automated cars will probably be powered by hybrid or alternative energy sources.

Prices on some consumer goods will drop as automated trucks hit the road and are able to pick up and deliver more frequently. Even with human monitors on board, those people will no longer need to wear themselves out by constantly handling the operation of such huge and cumbersome vehicles. That means they may be able to remain on board for longer periods of time. Lowering the cost of delivery to market will allow many new products to be introduced that might have been unavailable due to those cost factors. The expense and complexity of managing huge traffic systems will be lessened and the experience of having to travel at a snail's pace to and from work during the rush hour will be all but eliminated. The money saved by the implementation of self-drive vehicles could be used to repair and replace the many roads, bridges and tunnels that have become dangerous to use or are simply obsolete.

Governments see the potential of automated vehicles. We know this because many are slowly, but surely, adapting or enacting laws to accommodate this new technology. Self-drive vehicles are already legal for the purposes of research and development as far as the federal government is concerned. Several U.S. States have also made them legal to operate, with many others having already proposed pending legislation. Many state legislators have quietly been told to expect some fully automated vehicles by 2018-2020 at the latest. What concerns government officials and the developers of this new technology are the hackers. They can already use the existing technology in many new vehicles to take them over and bypass drivers. That is a real concern that must be dealt with from a legal and technological standpoint. That need for failsafe automated vehicles are one of the things slowing their development and appearance in new car dealer show rooms.
Things are moving fast when it comes to fully automated vehicles, but that does not mean that small investors or venture capitalists should invest in them right now. The truth is that no one really knows what twists and turns this new technology will take. Besides, I am certain that there will be all sorts of brand new after market and technological accommodation opportunities to make lots of money for small investors when the time is right. Just imagine all the new gadgets and systems that will appear as needed when this new technology becomes prevalent. Until then it is would be a wise new car buyer or high tech investor that keeps his or her eyes on self-drive vehicles and the markets they will shortly begin to create.

$132,000 Tesla Model X arrives September 29th, 2015

After years of waiting, Tesla Motors, Inc. finally released the online configurator for the Tesla Model X. It only features a Model X Signature Edition for now, allowing you to fully spec out the Model X Signature starting from $132,000 and going way, way up to as much as $143,750. For example, the “Ludicrous Mode” speed upgrade will cost an extra $10,000 on top of the base MSRP of the vehicle.

With a 90kWh battery pack the Tesla Model X will have an estmiated (EPA) range of 240 miles. It will sprint from 0-60mph (0-100kph) in 3.8 seconds and reach a top speed of 155mph (250kph). With the “Ludicrous Mode” switched on, acceleration time drops to just 3.2 seconds, just like the Model S P90D with “Insane Mode”. If you want to see how Ludicrous and Insane mode look like, check the video below. The performance is somewhat similar to the Tesla Model S vehicles, while it will demolish SUV’s and crossovers, it clearly stands out from the best. For example, a baseline Porsche Cayenne Turbo S starts at $157,300 and it won’t bring you any tax rebates or discounts. Fully specced out Cayenne Turbo S goes for as much as $209,255.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Awal sejarah otomotif dunia

Sejarah otomotif atau mobil mulai awal tahun 1769 dengan pembuatan mesin bertenaga uap yang mampu Transportasi manusia. Pada tahun 1806, mobil pertama yang menggunakan mesin pembakaran internal dibuat Gas bahan bakar muncul, yang mengarah ke penemuan modern mesin bensin pada tahun 1885 sampai mobil listrik yang muncul di abad ke-20.


The history of the automobile or car started early in 1769 with the manufacture of steam-powered machine that is able to Transport humans. In 1806, the first car to use the internal combustion engine made the fuel Gas appeared, which led to the invention of the modern gasoline engine in 1885 until electric cars that appeared in the 20th century.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jadwal MotoGP 2015 Live Trans7 Lengkap

Trans7 seperti yang kita semua ketahui adalah sebagai pemegang hak siar untuk menayangkan secara langsung (live) mulai dari kualifikasi dan race hingga kini belum mengeluarkan jadwal secara resmi. Bagi yang masih bertanya-tanya dimana dan kapan MotoGP 2015 akan dimulai bisa langsung menyimak jadwal pada tabel dibawah ini.

Pameran Surabaya Auto Expo 2015

Pameran Surabaya Auto Expo 2015

Tanggal: 23 – 27 September 2015

Tempat: Convex Grand City Surabaya, Jl. Gubeng Pojok / Jl. Walikota Mustajab Surabaya

Harga tiket masuk: Rp. 25.000 up

PT. Intra Media Promosindo kembali menghadirkan pameran “4th SURABAYA AUTO EXPO 2015″, Ini adalah sebuah pameran besar Automotive menjelang akhir tahun 2015 di kota Surabaya yang diikuti APM motor dan mobil ternama.

Pameran ini akan berlangsung mulai tanggal 23 September sampai dengan 27 September 2015 bertempat di Convex Grand City Surabaya

Industri di bidang otomotif dan para pendukungnya otomotifnya pun siap hadir meramaikan event akbar akhir tahun 2015 ini. Pameran akan berlangsung selama 5 hari dan diharapkan menjadi lebih eksklusif dengan hadirnya beragam peserta.

Pameran ini didukung sepenuhnya oleh:

Management Grand City Surabaya
Jawa Pos Group
Info dan kontak:
*dipublikasikan oleh @InfoJadwalEvent

Monday, September 21, 2015


Benelli adalah produsen motor yang telah melihat semua itu-sulit dua perang dunia, perubahan kepemilikan, sejarah yang terpuji motor dan di atas semua kebangkrutan. Namun perusahaan masih di sini dan menendang dan sekarang dimiliki oleh produsen mobil Cina.

Itu baru-baru ini telah memasuki India tepi dengan menggandeng Kelompok DSK. Setelah mengatakan bahwa, Benelli adalah salah satu produsen sepeda Italia tertua yang mulai membuat sepeda motor jalan kembali pada tahun 1911. Semua itu berawal dari kota Pesaro di Italia, ketika Ibu Teresa Benelli mulai memperbaiki sepeda & sepeda motor; kemudian upgrade diri mereka untuk membangun mereka sendiri 98cc 2 stroke motor.


Benelli is a motorcycle manufacturer that has seen it all – hard times of two World wars, change of ownership, a commendable history of motorcycle and above all bankruptcy. Yet the company is still here and kicking and is now owned by a Chinese automobile manufacturer.

It has recently entered into Indian shores by collaborating with the DSK group. Having said that, Benelli is one of the oldest Italian bike manufacturer who started making motorcycles way back in 1911. It all started from the Pesaro town of Italy, when Mrs. Teresa Benelli started repairing bicycles & motorcycles; later upgrading themselves to build their own 98cc 2 stroke motorcycles.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

New Honda NSX production version 2015

Exactly 25 years after the debut of the NSX, Honda/Acura took the wraps of the production version of the all-new Acura NSX (Honda NSX for Europe) at the 2015 Detroit Auto Show (2015 NAIAS).

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Honda NM4 Vultus BIGBIKE Harga -+ 435.000.000 IDR

Dari enam motor gede yang dilansir PT Astra Honda Motor, ada satu model yang menarik perhatian yaitu Honda NM4 Vultus. Tampilannya yang unik dan futuristik menjadi sosok NM4 Vulstus langsung menjadikannya perhatian.

Desain NM4 Vultus terbilang berani, mengingatkan sepintas pada batpod alam manusia super Batman. Tampilan mewah dan futuristik didapatkan dari visor depan dan spion yang terintegrasi dengan bodi depan dan aplikasi LED yang disematkan di lampu depan dan belakang, lampu sein dan lampu plat nomor maupun di panel meter.

11-06-2015-Honda_NM4Panel meter didesain layaknya kokpit pilot dengan stang. Di sini tersedia Odometer, Jam Digital, posisi gigi, Indikator bahan bakar, Brake Lock, temparatur udara, HISS, ABS dan kecepatan juga tombol Hazard, menurunkan gigi, menaikkan gigi, mode kendali dan mematikan mesin.

Tapi kehebatan NM4 Vulstus tak hanya dari sisi desain. Lainnya adalah penggunaan Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT) atau transmisi kopling ganda dengan mesin SOHC parallel-twin silinder berpendingin cairan. Mesin berkapasitas 750cc ini memiliki dengan output 40.3 kW pada 6.250 rpm dan torsi 68 pada 4.750 Nm.

Honda memang tak sembarangan mengandalkan teknologi ini. DCT merupakan transimisi cerdas yang memadukan perpindahan gigi otomatis dengan dua mode yakni mode D (Drive) dan mode S (Sport) maupun manual dengan 6 percepatan.

Untuk kenyamanan, NM4 Vultus menggunakan suspensi belakang Pro-Link yang menyatu dengan Honda Multi Action System (HMAS) dan sistem pengereman 2 channel ABS yang dilengkapi dengan ban tubeless.

11-06-2015-Honda_NM4_02Kursi pengendara diciptakan untuk memberikan kenyamanan ekstra melalui pengaturan sudut kemiringan yang bisa diatur hingga 3 tahap. Ketinggian jok yang hanya 650mm serta pijakan kaki yang di desain datar dan luas membuat posisi kaki pengandara cukup nyaman saat berkendara jarak jauh.

Honda NM 4 Vultus memiliki tangki bahan bakar besar dengan kapasitas 11.6. kapasitas besar juga dimiliki NM4 Vultus untuk bagasi. Ada 3 bagasi, yakni bagasi depan ganda dengan kapasitas total 4 liter dan dilengkapi bagasi kiri berkapasitas 1 liter yang terintegrasi dengan soket 12V sementara bagasi kanan memiliki kapasitas hingga 3 liter.

Untuk harga, motor ala Batman ini dipasarkan AHM dengan warna Mat Ballistic Black Metallic seharga Rp 435.000.000.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

New Honda Sonic 150R Motor Sport

Pada bulan Agustus 2015, penjualan Honda Sonic 150R mencapai angka 8.413 unit. Jumlah tersebut meningkatkan penjualan segmen motor sport Honda selama bulan Agustus sebesar 96,6 persen menjadi 19.481 unit dibandingkan dengan Juli 2015 yang hanya terjual sebanyak 9.911 unit.

Data dari Astra Honda Motor (AHM), Honda Sonic 150R memiliki penjualan tertinggi di segmen motor sport Honda untuk bulan Agustus, meskipun Honda Sonic baru saja diluncurkan pada tanggal 5 Agustus 2015, yang berarti waktu penjualan tidak sampai sebulan. AHM sendiri menargetkan penjualan Sonic sebanyak 11.000 unit per bulan. Angka itu belum tercapai dengan alasan distribusi yang belum merata.

Desain motor New Honda CB150R

Desain motor New Honda CB150R ini menampilkan karakter agresif, terbukti dari berbagai tampilan yang memperlihatkan desain siluet panah sangat tajam. Selain itu, motor Honda terbaru ini telah mengadopsi penggunaan lampu LED. Kehadiran panel indikator lebih kompak dengan sistem digital yang berkesan lebih modern.

Sektor dapur pacu, New Honda CB150R ini menggendong mesin dari generasi terbaru berperforma tinggi dengan kapasitas 150CC, mengusung teknologi 4 valve DOHC, sistem transmisi manual enam percepatan. Berbagai teknologi canggih telah disematkan pada motor Honda terbaru ini, mulai dari uniaxial primary balancer, helical gear dan high rigidity crank journal bush.

Benelli Tornado TNT 250 Spesifikasi

Urusan mesin dapur pacu si TnT alias BN250 ini secara fisik gede padat moge look juga mas bro …. Rancang bangunnya juga moge style seperti crank case yang belahannya atas bawah … 
Water pump ada di crank case bawah filter oli pakai cartridge seperti filter mobil kampas koplingnya besar ….. 

Twin paralel / 2 inline cylinder DOHC yang menarik adalah konfigurasi piston model seperti bigbang.

Piston naik turun bersama
an ..
Secara torsi sih model seperti ini se nampol single cylinder akselerasinya tapi suara stereo bukan cross plane . suara beda jauh dengan ninja 250 maupun yamaha R25

New Varian Zenzero 150cc Benelli

Benelli merupakan salah satu pabrikan sepeda motor tertua di dunia karena di dirikan pada tahun 1911 hingga sekarang masih saja produksi sepeda motor dan di terima di berbagai belahan dunia. 

Berbagai ajang balapan pun pernah di ikutinya, Meskipun pernah dilanda krisis karena resesi dunia yakni perang dunia namun pabrikan ini kembali menunjukan sebagai salah satu brand yang solid. Sampai sekarang berbagai jenis kendaraan dari Cub Skutik hingga sport dengan kapasitas besarpun benelli punya. Namun yang di jual di indonesia hanya sebatas skutik dan motorsport saja, meskipun begitu namun cukup menggairahkan juga lho produknya

Friday, September 18, 2015

Honda CB150R StreetFire

Untuk memenuhi keinginan pengguna motor sport yang senang memodifikasi kendaraannya, Honda CB150R StreetFire ini menggunakan new innovative Truss Frame dan sudah didesain untuk mudah dimodifikasi. Rangka Honda CB150R ini juga didesain untuk mengurangi getaran mesin secara optimal, sehingga menghasilkan kestabilan, kelincahan dan kenyamanan selama berkendara.

•   Desain agresif.
•   Penggunaan lampu LED pada seluruh sistem pencahayaan     memberikan tampilan lebih futuristik,           intensitas cahaya lebih terang, daya tahan lebih lama dan lebih hemat energi.
•    Panel indikator digital yang futuristik dan fungsional menampilkan informasi lengkap seperti kecepatan, putaran mesin, jam digital dan trip meter.
•    Akselerasi lebih agresif mencapai 10,5 detik (0-200m).
•    Mampu dipacu hingga 125 km/jam dengan tetap menghasilkan tingkat konsumsi bahan bakar yang efisien.
•    Mesin generasi terbaru 150cc, DOHC 4 katup, 6 kecepatan, berpendingin cairan (liquid-cooled) denganteknologi injeksi PGM-FI.
•    Rangka Trelis yang memberi keseimbangan tinggi antara kekuatan dan kelenturan.
•    Kapasitas tanki bensin 12 liter.
•   Penggunaan ban yang lebih besar untuk memberikan rasa aman pada saat menikung maupun pada kecepatan tinggi.
•    Rem cakram depan dan belakang.
•    Ban tubeless.
•   Suspensi belakang dengan sistem Pro-Link (fitur ini digunakan juga oleh motor Honda CBR 250R dimana dengan fitur ini tempat duduk terasa lebih lembut, stabil dan nyaman karena suspensi mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan berbagai kondisi jalan).
•    Teknologi Secure Key Shutter.
•    Bank Angle Sensor – sensor rebah yang melindungi pengendara pada saat terjatuh (mesin akan mati secara otomatis ketika sepeda motor berada pada sudut kemiringan 60° atau lebih.

Seta 125 BENELLI Ekonomis Buat Pecinta Skuter Italia

Selain memperkenalkan sport naked TNT250, di acara Benelli Day kemarin (15/6), PT Benelli Motor Indonesia (BMI) juga memperkenalkan skuter dengan kapasitas cc yang kecil, bradsis, yaitu Seta 125. Skuter ini hadir buat para skuter mania yang suka dengan model skuter khas Italia.

Seta 125 hadir dengan desain retro modern, dan kalo diingat-ingat hampir mirip dengan skuter Lambretta. Maklum bradsis, toh Benelli juga berasal dari Italia. BMI juga mengatakan bahwa ada perbedaan dari Seta 125. Selain itu, Benelli mencoba untuk gak menghilangkan model khas dari negeri Pizza ini, bradsis.

“Kita ingin memberikan pilihan bagi pengguna matik dengan kapasitas mesin yang kecil dengan desain khas Italia dan kualitas yang baik dari Benelli dengan harga yang kompetitif dibanding skuter Italia lainnya,” ungkap Steven Kentjana Putra, selaku Direktur PT BMI.

Pada bagian dapur pacunya, Seta 125 dilengkapi dengan mesin 124,6 cc, satu silinder, 4-tak, berpendingin udara, dan bisa menghasilkan tenaga sekitar 6,57 dk pada 7500 rpm dan torsi 8,73 Nm pada 6500 rpm.

Fitur yang ada pada Seta 125 di antaranya lampu senja LED, bagasi yang luas, dan panel indikator yang mudah dibaca. Untuk harganya masih digodok, bradsis. Pasalnya, skuter ini juga sedang diajukan uji TPT. Perkiraan harga yang bakal dibanderol BMI sekitar Rp 15 jutaan (OTR Jakarta).

Seta 125 nantinya bakal hadir dengan 6 warna pilihan, yaitu hitam, hijau, putih, cream, merah, dan biru. Nah, buat yang mau beli skuter rasa Italia dengan harga yang ekonomis, Seta 125 bisa jadi pilihan nih, bradsis.

Data spesifikasi Seta 125 :

Mesin : 124,6 cc, 1 silinder, berpendingin udara, 4 tak

Bore x Stroke : 52.4 x 57.8 mm

Tenaga : 6.57 dk/7500 rpm

Torsi : 8.73 N.m/6500 rpm

Starter : Elektrik

Kompresi rasio : 9.5:1

Transmisi : Automatic

Rem depan : Hydraulic Disc

Rem belakang : Tromol

Suspensi depan : Teleskopic

Suspensi belakang : Adjustable Shock Absorber

Ban depan : 90/90-12

Ban belakang : 100/90-10

Kapasitas tangki : 7 liter

Berat : 115 kg

                                                                                        JAKARTA, ME.