

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Successful Seedy Saturday (say that 5 times fast - I dare you!)

Ah.. the sweet smell of seeds.. ok, perhaps seeds don't smell so great, but I'm still excited to find new types to grow! This past Saturday, I dragged the family (literally, dragged them!) to the Wolfville Farmers Market for Seedy Saturday and picked up some new veggies and flowers to try in the garden.

I also met up with Owen Bridge, the 17 year old owner of Annapolis Seeds ( - see photos above.. Owen will be joining me on The Weekend Gardener radio show in early June (stay tuned for details in a few weeks) because he is just so darned interesting! Plus, he has a wonderful assortment of heirloom and unique seeds.. I picked up some Ethiopian Lentils and some Agate Soybeans from his booth - so exciting!

He also has a large selection of rare tomato seeds.. I would have bought more, but I already have 20 types under the grow-lights in my basement, so I had to restrain myself.. yes, it is possible!

If you missed this event, but still want to take part in a Seedy Saturday, there is another coming up in Halifax this Saturday. It takes place at the Captain William Spry Rec Centre on April 17th from 2 to 4:30 and is hosted by the Urban Farm Museum Society of Spryfield - for the 12th year! There will also be workshops and seeds galore!

Happy Gardening!

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