

Monday, April 26, 2010

Cold frame Update

The new cold frame is finally 'in-ground'!! We just finished digging the spot this past weekend, laid down some landscape fabric to deter weeds and then moved it into place. Sigh.. I then moved about 20 wheelbarrow loads of soil (my loads aren't too big!) into the frame, raked it level and planted seed!

I planted two rows of sweet baby carrots, Black Seeded Simpson lettuce, Sea of Red lettuce, baby romaine lettuce, arugula, golden beets and purple Pak choi.. I was going to post a photo of the seeded frame, but it looks almost the same as the above photos, except for the plant tags.

I'll keep posting on the progress of the seedlings.. but for now, I need to fill up the other end of the frame, plant it, clean up the mess around the frame (logs, rocks, debris) and then lay some mulch all around to tidy up the area.

We have plans for one more cold frame this season - only half as large as this monster though! I think the new one will be portable and not sunk in ground.. ideal for moving over garden crops as needed..

Spring is here! Happy Gardening!

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