

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

100th Post!

Wow! It seems like I just started this blog, but we're already at 100 posts! Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments, questions and tips over the past few months.. I appreciate every single one.. and now that I'm feeling better, I thought I'd venture out to the garden and snap some updated photos.. I wasn't too pleased to discover that deer had infiltrated my fencing though! Sigh.. luckily, the damage was minimal, but we need to raise the fence by about another foot to make it completely deer-proof!

The purple podded pole beans in the top photo are growing well.. and the baby lettuces that were planted under the bamboo teepee are now ready for harvest.. they're about 3 to 4-inches tall and very tender.. so good and the 4th succession planting of lettuce..

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photos.. The small turnips are a true garden treat! They're a Japanese turnip call Hakurei and I bought the seed from Johnny's Seeds this past spring. I picked the first bunch yesterday when the roots were about 1 1/2-inches in diameter.. a great addition to a summer salad (happy summer!) and even the leaves were fantastic.. The hubby declared that he liked them as much or even better than arugula - gasp! I couldn't believe it, but they were delicious in a salad and would also be nice cooked.. mmmmm... Also, if you have good eyes, you'll notice the planting date from seed was May 12 - so in just 5 weeks, we have tender, sweet baby turnips!

As you can see, the deer munched on the Super Sugar Snap peas - they topped the affected plants by about 8-inches, yet just nibbled on the end of one row, so the pea harvest should still be just fine.. assuming we can keep the deer out for the rest of the year!

How many shades of green can you count in a garden? I love the way the vibrant lime green of the leaf lettuce contrasts against the deep blue-green of the broccoli and cabbages.. Plus, it's just nice to get so much out of your space..

Happy Gardening!

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