

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Photo shoot #2 starts with much needed rain..

The photographer for my upcoming book, Joesph De Sciose has just arrived back in the province from the hot and humid Alabama! Welcome back Joe! Of course, from the moment his plane touched down last night, the nice weather ended and the rain began.. murphy's law, I guess. Anyway, hopefully we'll still be able to get a bunch of good shots.. From what I've seen so far, Joe can work magic, no matter the weather..

Here's a 'goofy' shot from the first shoot. My editor, Carleen and I are working out our differences! Just kidding, we were laying out the materials for a photo shoot of constructing an A-frame trellis when we decided to have a little fun.. I'm in the ugly black boots, while stylish Carleen has the bright red boots that all the garden book editors are wearing this year..

By the way, in case you're wondering what the outcome of the sword fight was - I won! :)

Happy Gardening!

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