

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Will Winter Ever Come..?

It seems as if our wild weather will never end! I said to the kids yesterday afternoon as we played out in the backyard - "Enjoy this day, it will be the last nice day before winter arrives." They said, "Mom, you've been saying that since Halloween!" And it's true! I have been saying that every time another stretch of mild weather arrives.. but I'm always wrong, as that warm spell is followed by another a week or two later.. ah well, I'm not complaining, but Monday's weather did certainly wreak havoc on the garden!
The winds in the backyard were wailing by at around 90 km per hour and of course, all my winter tunnels blew off! I still hadn't secured them really well, as the cold weather hasn't really come to stay. So, yesterday, in the 14 C temperatures and sunshine (which felt HEAVENLY), I trotted up to the garden and vented the cold frames and recovered the tunnels. Since I was up there anyway, I also picked a salad!

You might be wondering what's up with these winter photos? Well, the top one is a shot of the sage from this time last year! The other photo is the unprotected leeks at the same time.. as you can see, a 14 C day in mid-December is not normal!

Work on the book is speeding along and we're now in a process called sub-editing.. it's all new to me, but it's nice to get back to the manuscript after handing it in 6 weeks ago! It's amazing what the touch of an experienced editor can do! Even the names of the chapters and each section have been 'revamped' with amazing results.. I can't wait to see the final product, yet it's still going to be another 10 months or so.. patience Niki!

Well, it's another mild day today - not as warm as yesterday - but 6 C is nothing to sneeze at! But mark my words, this will be the last mild day before winter arrives! (I think!)

Happy Gardening!

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