

Saturday, April 9, 2011

More Upcoming Talks..

Bloom Greenhouse and Garden Center on the Hammonds Plains Road
Spring is in full swing and I can tell you that my garden is feeling the neglect! Season 5 of the radio show starts on May 1st (so many great guests for 2011! Can't wait to share them.. soon..), I've been out and about giving lectures and seminars on gardening, visiting the local schools to plant seeds with the children and trying to finish a few big magazine deadlines.. which is the real reason I'm on the computer on a sunny Saturday afternoon and not in the garden.. mind you, as you probably realize, I'm procrastinating by updating the blog!!

Anyhoo.. I have have some upcoming lectures I thought I'd announce.. this Monday, I'll be at the Bible Hill Garden Club to chat about creating a kitchen garden.. it's my favourite lecture to give and it will also feature dozens and dozens of photos from my garden (along with some other fantastic local gardens!). Then, on Saturday, May 14th at 1 pm, I'll be closer to home giving a similar talk on creating a family veggie garden at Bloom Greenhouse and Garden Center ( - or find them on facebook). That will be open to the public and I'll cover all the basics of creating an amazing edible garden - as well as share some of my favourite things to grow!! Hope to see you there!

Ah spring.. now, time to get back to work and finish those articles!!

Happy Gardening!

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