

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Year Round Vegetable Gardener is now in Halifax!

Wish this was my potting shed! It's
the garden shed of a neighbour of mine,
Faye. Isn't it gorgeous!!
Thank goodness for independent bookstores that don't have to go through 20 stops to get books on their shelves.. The Bookmark bookstore on Spring Garden Road (and in Charlottetown, PEI) now has copies of The Year Round Vegetable Gardener on its shelves!

On a related note, here's another review that has just come out of the UK - Click here!

Now, must get busy today on book 2! I have some exciting experts from across North America (and beyond) that are contributing to this book.. but deadlines are approaching and I need to get down to work! I will ignore the Kitchen Garden Seeds catalogue that arrived in the mail yesterday too.. so.. hard.. to.. resist..

UPDATE - Bayers Lake Chapters and Mic Mac Chapters also now both have copies!!

UPDATED UPDATE - Plovers in both Mahone Bay and Halifax also now have copies in stock!! (Thanks for the support Plovers!!)

UPDATE #10,000,000! - Ok, final update for now. I may just list these in a widget to the side of this blog. Halifax Seed now has copies of the book too. They will also be selling them at my lecture on year-round gardening at the Keshen Goodman library on Feb 1st at 7 pm in Halifax and at the book launch at Halifax Seed on Sat Feb 4th from 2 to 4 pm.

Have a great weekend!

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