

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My latest blog post for Proven Winners is out!

This 3-foot tall gnome has nothing to do with
this post, but I loved him! Resisted the
urge to spend $60 on him this week though.. 
Hot off the (virtual) presses, here is the link to my latest blog post for Proven Winners! Click here to read about my love affair with Empress Wu and why size matters! (Sorry boys)

It's been a few months since I began blogging for Proven Winners and I must say that I'm having a blast with it! My fellow PW garden bloggers - from various parts of North America - are all avid, experienced gardeners who both inspire me and make me laugh.

You can also find me (and my fellow bloggers) on Pinterest if you click here! I have a board on my page with some gorgeous Proven Winners images..  I must admit that I'm new to Pinterest, but have started loading up some of my garden photos, travel garden images and more.. It's an amazing way to share photos/ideas/garden plans/etc and I can easily lose an hour just flipping thorough the various boards of fellow gardeners!

Ok, off to make some deadlines.. or at least attempt to make deadlines, wish me luck! :)

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