

Monday, June 18, 2012

I love community gardens

I spent this past Saturday morning in downtown Halifax away from my own garden (which desperately needs some TLC!), but I was thrilled to discover a gorgeous community garden tucked away behind a large apartment building near Saint Mary's University. I love community gardens and it thrills me to see so many new ones popping up around the Maritime provinces.. I had the pleasure of visiting a few on my recent trip to Saint John, New Brunswick when I hosted Marigolds for Main Street (see my older posts). The Peninsula Urban Garden Society plots that I visited on Saturday aren't new, but were established almost a decade ago with the help of Counciller Sue Uteck. It was also expanded a few years ago and now boasts about 40 plots - and a long waiting list.. which shows that we still need more community gardens!

On a related note, I also have been hearing about folks who share their yards with those not lucky enough to have space to grow food and flowers..

While I was poking around the community garden, I was hoping that some of the members would pop in to tend to their plants so that I could talk to them, but unfortunately that didn't happen.. Nevertheless, I snapped a few photos so that I could share the beauty of these productive plots that show just how much food can be grown (in mid-June!) in a small space.. note, the fun use of hanging containers to grow vining plants..

Who says food garden't aren't beautiful spaces?? Not me!

Everyone plants their own assortment of favourite veggies/herbs/fruits and flowers.

Strawberries and leaf lettuce.

Love this plot - incredibly productive for mid-June and so much variety.

Dinosaur kale, lettuces, carrots, garlic, nasturtiums, peas and so much more!

A bounty of spring greens and tomato seedlings for summer fruits.

Too cool.. zucchini, peas and a few other edible vines.

Very organized spaces and such a nice place to spend a few hours..

Asian greens and more!

There were also a few cherry trees, high bush blueberries and more.. 

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