the venus factor Review - Shocking Results - Must Read, What works, Venus, and how does it work? Venus was for 12 week customized health females 3 stage in 4 weeks. It is designed for women who want to lose weight and maintain a healthy, toned, and fit the image that achieve a better life and safer by taking advantage of a natural hormone that controls your metabolism. This hormone, called leptin, which controls your body burning fat 100% working principles of the main program Venus called Venus index.
Venus index calculated using measurements of the waist, height and waist for your body. Should be the ideal target high 38%. After pressing the volume of 1.42 to get ideal measurements of your shoulder. Your ideal number You calculated by Venus this index will give you areas you need to focus on getting the look you want. It is something unique about this program is, of course, more severe, people will need to lose weight, but if you are too skinny Venus agent tell you if you need to gain weight. This very unique diet or weight loss program weight loss you have to say.
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