

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cucumber Trellis

I just received this photo from Pete from NB, an avid veggie gardener.. He just built this new trellis for his cucumbers from poplar saplings and it measures about 12 x 12-feet..

Pretty snazzy, eh?

While we're on the subject of cucumbers, I planted my cuke seeds indoors last week. I usually try to give them about 5 weeks under the lights before the seedlings are moved outside to the garden.

As I've mentioned before, we love Lemon cukes, but also grow the crisp and delicious 'Garden Oasis'. 'Garden Oasis' is a Lebanese-type picked when still small and tender - about 4 to 5 inches long - and is similar to the grocery store cukes that are sold for an outrageous price for a small package.

Happy Gardening!

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